PostNord is a large logistics company operating in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. They have a business portal with a host of features, one of which is the Claims app. This is where users can create a claim for issues on the shipment with the intention to get compensation.

About claims

Design process

Gather requirements
In this phase my goal is to understand first the requirements of business, and their vision about the redesign. After those are gathered, I reach out to dev team and other stakeholders to understand the limitations and the logic involved in the product.

Service blueprinting
After I gathered all the logic, understand the full scope of the product, I sit with stakeholders involved in each user touchpoint, direct and indirect and drafted a service blueprint to envision the whole process.

Journey mapping
After the service flow has been created with the help of stakeholders, the review team and customer service team, I focused now on the user's journey. There are 2 ways to create a claim, one is using the portal, the other is calling the PostNord customer service so I considered both in the user journey.

I have conducted a series of focus group discussions with our business customers to know their thoughts and pain points in using the Claims app. To supplement the needed data, I run a poll in the claims app which will cover quantitative and qualitative surveys. Below are the screenshots of the data gathering method using Hotjar survey.

Below are the user insights I have uncovered from the focus group discussions with our users, and the survey I have conducted.

User flow


Visual Design

Side-by-Side Comparison
This side-by-side comparison aims to present the improvements made from the previous version. I added an explanation at the bottom to articulate the intention behind the change.

Key takeaways
Empathy is key
Immersing myself to the user’s perspective made me understand what were important to take note and be able to shape the design around users’ paint points.
Documentation helps
Being in an agile environment means that the process should be calculated to have optimal results, it is prudent to do documentation on the side to help with decision-making the future.
Soft skills
Being able to present my ideas and show the value of design is really a game changer and makes it a lot efficient on navigating through arguments, and turning that into productive results.
Trust your gut but be objective
Trusting your gut is the quickest way to move forward in the design process but it is also prudent to be objective and not be swayed by biases.
What went well
Shape the process according to the project need
It is imperative to adapt the design process according to the needs of the project and the time required to finish. I was able to adjust the design process according to what is required in each phase.
getting response from BUsiness stakeholders
Booking a meeting with stakeholders proves to be hard to come-by since they are mostly busy, so we set a weekly meeting with them to talk and demo the design. It became a good avenue to discuss rules that applies in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland
What would you do differently?
Do more meetings with technical stakeholders
When gathering requirements, there are times when the person in-charge of the tech may not have the ready information you need and sometimes you get pushback later which was not informed beforehand. This became a huge friction during the process because it caused me to go back and forth on the design because some end-points are not available.